• Stations of the Cross
  • Friendly Soccer
  • Youth Group -- Kids Game Night
  • Youth Group Game Night
  • Christmas Eve 2024
  • Parish Rosary Rally
  • Parish Rosary Rally
  • Parish Rosary Rally
  • Parish Rosary Rally
  • Parish Rosary Rally
  • Father Jose With Friends And Family Celebrate Onam
  • Labor Day Mass With Participants At The Ireland Cemetery
  • Father Jose Blesses Grave at Ireland Cemetery
  • Offertory at the Ireland Cemetary
  • Father's Day 2024 Vigil Mass
  • Father's Day 2024
  • Palm Sunday Procession 2024
  • Palm Sunday Procession 2024
  • Palm Sunday Procession 2024
  • Autumn Glory for Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto
  • 2024 Baptism and Confirmation photo.
  • Palm Sunday Procession 2024
  • Fiesta Rosas 2021 Photo by Maylin
  • Fiesta 2021 in Grotto Hall Photo by Maylin


Masses at SS Peter & Paul:  Saturday Vigil 4 PM  and  Sunday 9 AM;  Monday No Mass; Tuesday 6:00 PM; Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / First Saturday 8:30 AM.  Please check   Mass Schedule for latest changes.

Confession: Before Mass 3:00-3:45 Saturday; 7:45-8:15 Wednesday, Thursday, Friday; and by Appointment  +1-570-357-1619.                    

Masses at Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Wyalusing:  Saturday Vigil 6 PM and Sunday  11 AM; No Mass Monday, Tuesday, Thursday; Wednesday & Friday 12 Noon, or as posted in their   bulletin.

Confession: Before Mass 5:30-5:45 PM on Saturday, and 10:30-10:45 AM on Sunday.



    Eucharistic Adoration will be held on Friday, April 4th from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM. Try to spend an hour with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament to add to your Lenten experience. Sign-up sheets are in the back of the church.


    Alex Piechocki will be offering a presentation on the Title of the Cross on Saturday, April 5th at 5:00 PM in the church hall at St. Michael’s in Canton after their 4:00 PM Mass. This is about the sign above the head of Jesus on the Cross. Enhance your Lenten experience by discovering the history and mystery of this sign.  There is more information about the presentation on the back page of the Bulletin. 


    Volunteers are needed to have their feet washed at the Holy Thursday Mass on April 17th at 7:00 PM.  This is an opportunity for families to participate in this ceremony and we also encourage individuals to sign up.  There is a sheet for volunteers in the back of the church.


    There is a change in the schedule for Stations of the Cross on Friday, April 4th. The Stations at 1:45 with the students will be held in the school gym, not in the church. The 7:00 PM Stations will be held in the church. The students will present Living Stations of the Cross at 7:00 PM on April 11th


    Two of the Lenten Penance Services for our area will be held next Sunday, April 6th. One is at 2:00 PM in Canton and the other at 4:00 PM here at SS. Peter & Paul.  There will be several priests available for individual confessions.


    Bishop Bambera will hold a Special Holy Hour for the faithful in our Sayre Deanery on Monday, March 31 at 7:00 PM at St. Basil’s Church in Dushore.  He is visiting each Deanery for a Holy Hour during this Lenten season. This is a great opportunity for Eucharistic Adoration and to hear the Bishop talk about the Jubilee Year among other topics.


    Alex Piechocki will be speaking at St. Michael's in Canton about the wooden Titular over the cross of Jesus. His presentation is on Saturday, April 5 after their 4:00 PM Mass. There will be more information in the Bulletin next week.


    Remember Fr. Jose is available for the Sacrament of Reconciliation before and after Mass and by appointment.


    Tickets for St. Agne students' presentation of the "Wizard of Oz" go on sale in the school office on March 23rd and will also be available at the door for the two performances on April 4th and 5th. Price information is in the bulletin.


    Next week's second collection is for Catholic Relief Services. Your generosity reflects the love of Jesus for those who are vulnerable and needy, both around the world and right here at home. The theme for this year's collection is "Reveal Christ's Love". Please take the time to read about CRS on the back page of the Bulletin. Envelops are available in the pews for you to take home and put in next week's collection.

  • Stations of the Cross

    Stations of the Cross are offered every Friday during Lent at 1:45 PM and 7:00 PM. They provide opportunities to reflect on the Passion of Jesus and what he teaches us through it.

  • TACA Lenten Luncheons at Ss Peter & Paul Church

    The Towanda Area Clergy Association (TACA) will be hosting Lenten Luncheons every Wednesday in Lent at 12:00 PM in Grotto Hall at Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Towanda. Here is a preview of what you can expect with your lunch as the clergy explore the “Hallmarks of Compassion.”

    • March 12th The Rev. Randall Reddinger (First Presbyterian Church, ECO)
    • March 19th Father Dan Storrs (Holy Name of Mary Catholic Chapel, SMM)
    • March 26th Pastor Michael Bentz (Trinity Church, UMC)
    • April 2nd The Rev. Betsy Sentigar (Christ Episcopal Church, TEC)
    • April 9th The Rev. Jose Kuriappilly (Saints Peter and Paul Parish)


    Our parish is pleased to provide the venue this year for the Ecumenical Lenten Luncheons. We welcome all our parishioners, as well as all the members of neighboring congregations who are able to attend any of these luncheons; and we also welcome each of the ministers of the area who will be sharing wisdom and insights for our spiritual journey during this Lenten Season. We look forward to sharing faith and breaking bread together, on the Wednesdays of Lent, with our brothers and sisters from the Towanda Area Christian Community.


    A light soup, salad, and sandwich supper will once again be available in Grotto Hall after the Tuesday evening Mass during Lent. Volunteers are needed for set up, providing a soup, salad, or sandwich for the group, and cleaning up. There is a sign-up sheet for each week's supper at the back of the church.

  • Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving.

    Almsgiving without prayer and fasting is philanthropy.   

    Fasting without prayer and almsgiving is a diet.

    Prayer without fasting and almsgiving is wishful thinking.

  • Lenten Penance Services

    The Deanery Penance Services will be held as follows: April 6th in Canton at 2:00 PM, and in Towanda at 4:00. April 13th in Dushore at 2:00 PM, and Sayre at 4:30. 

  • Lenten Holy Hour

    Bishop Bambera will hold a Special Holy Hour for the faithful in each deanery of the Diocese during Lent. He will reflect on the final year of the National Eucharistic Revival and the 2025 Jubilee Year. The Holy Hour in our area will be held Monday, March 31 at Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish (St. Basil’s) in Dushore at 7:00 PM. 

  • Did you know...

    ... that churches observing Lent do not sing hymns that include the phrase “Alleluia”? It is a Hebrew word that means “Praise the Lord.” During Lent, the Church adopts the same spirit of exile experienced by Moses and the Israelites as they wandered in the desert for 40 years, saying “How shall we sing the Lord’s song in a foreign land? (Psalm 137:4).  


    Adapted from https://friars.us/article/2024/02/11/what-is-ash-wednesday


    2025 has been declared a Jubilee Year by Pope Francis. Jubilee Years, or Holy Years, are held every 25 years in the Catholic Church. The theme for this year is "Pilgrims of Hope".   Please visit the Vatican Jubilee 2025 Website: https://www.iubilaeum2025.va/en.html.

  • C.C.D. News

    C.C.D. classes are held every Sunday from 10:15 to 11:30. All students who are not attending St. Agnes school should come to Religious Education classes on Sunday mornings.

  • Rite of Election

    On March 9th, the First Sunday of Lent, our catechumens will travel to the Cathedral of Saint Peter for the Rite of Election with Bishop Joseph Bambera. Please keep Mary Martin, Wyatt Barnett, and Autumn DeLauro in your prayers as they take this step toward Baptism and Confirmation. Our candidates will also participate in the Call to Continuing Conversion at the Cathedral. Please keep Kelsey Smith, Larissa Barnett, Bradley Allen, and Lindsay Hicks in your prayers as they continue to prepare for Confirmation. 


    Bulletins are Back!  in the church each weekend, and are also available on the parish website; just click on "Bulletin" at the top of the home page.

    If you are unable to come to church and want to receive a "snail-mailed" paper bulletin, please notify the office office@sspeterandpaulchurch.net or call 570-265-2113.

    Thank you!