Eucharistic Adoration

Coordinator: Rosemary Hoffmann

Jesus desires that all of us form a very personal and intimate relationship with Him and it is through this most special and personal encounter that we can express our inmost feelings and to listen to Jesus. Eucharistic Adoration is a special invitation from Christ: to experience the grace of God, to pray for mercy for ourselves, our family, our community, our nation and the world, and to just give thanks and praise to God for all our blessings. Eucharistic Adoration is first Fridays following the 8:30 AM mass until 7:30 PM.

Please sign up for your preferred hour for Adoration: one or more persons need to be here for every hour throughout the day; sign-up sheets are on the small table on your way out of the church. If unable to commit to an hour, please do come at your convenience for some quiet and rest in the presence of Jesus exposed in the Blessed Sacrament on the altar. Pray, or meditate, or perhaps read some Scripture. You could even simply sit back and enjoy the company of Jesus Christ.