Knights of Columbus

District Deputy: Frank Socha

The Knights of Columbus was founded in 1882 by a young Parish Priest Blessed Michael J. McGivney in New Haven, Connecticut. Back then Catholics were discriminated against, and jobs were scarce and often very dangerous. Fr. McGivney would see widows with their children at church. Many times the families were broken up, as the widows had no income to sustain their family. Fr. McGivney decided to start an organization to help these widows and their families. He gathered together some men and met in the basement of St. Mary’s Church and formed the Knights of Columbus.

Initially they did little more than pass the hat at meetings, but out of those humble beginnings the Knights have grown to become the largest Catholic men’s fraternal organization in the world with more than 2 million members worldwide. More than 60,000 practice their faith in over 500 councils in Pennsylvania. 

Knights of Columbus Insurance is constantly rated at the top of the best insurance companies in the world. The Knights are known for their backing both financial and otherwise in promoting pro-life activities. With their Ultrasound Program they have saved the lives of millions of unborn babies from abortions. They have provided relief in times of disasters, provided Coats for Kids as well as Food for Families, just to name a few.

The Knights work in solidarity with the Pope, Bishops, Priests and clergy spreading the word and practicing God’s teachings.

The Towanda Council was initially chartered in 1909. Through the years they have assisted the Parish Priests and community in many ways. They assist at First Communions as well as at Confirmations and also assist in raising funds for various needs, as they practice their faith in doing God’s work.